
Summarize and discuss the genealogy of jesus given in the

Topic: Nehemiah's Example of Prosperity

Read Nehemiah 5:1-13. Why is Nehemiah so upset? Explain. Should Nehemiah's example change the way we relate to others with our money? How does this affect the way you think of "prosperity" and how one goes about becoming "prosperous?"

For this forum, you are required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt. Your thread must be 400 words, with at least 3 citations.

Topic: The Genealogy of Jesus

Summarize and discuss the genealogy of Jesus given in the Gospel of Matthew. How does it differ from the genealogy given in Luke's Gospel? Why is this? How do you explain the variances? Why did Matthew think it important to include Jesus' genealogy?

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History: Summarize and discuss the genealogy of jesus given in the
Reference No:- TGS0981545

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