
Summarize and comment critically

This assignment requires you to prepare an essay of approximately 1000-1500 words (4-6 pages) on the topic outlined below. The essay must be double spaced, typed in 12-point font, and with margins of no more than 1 inch. This essay must conform to the MLA style and follow the footnoting and documentation format described online at the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

Summarize and comment critically on the so-called "mass culture/popular culture" debate in cultural studies.

Be sure to identify the underlying theoretical assumptions that inform the two sides of the argument, and present your own conclusions about the perspective you believe to be the most convincing and explain why.

Base your essay response on the material provided in the assigned readings for Unit 2 and the "Commentary" of section 2.2 in the Study Guide. Remember to provide scholarly support for claims made in your essay and document your sources correctly using MLA format.

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History: Summarize and comment critically
Reference No:- TGS0523464

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