
Summarize an episode of anderson cooper 360 that you


Throughout this class, you must complete 3 article/episode reviews that relate to the concepts that are presented in this course. Students will be expected to discuss the articles that have been reviewed.

In each review, you are to offer your reflections of the article, relevant legal issues and how it relates to concepts discussed in class.

In order to be awarded full credit, your entry must (1) include substantive comments on the course material previously covered in relation to the topic/subject discussed in the article or episode; and (2) be free of spelling, grammar and language errors. Key consideration will be given to the students' ability to relate course material to present day issues within the business world.

Late review submissions will not be accepted without the prior consent of the professor. Extensions may be granted on an individual basis and will only be granted for particularly sensitive cases. You must submit this assignment via Live Text.

You may use your notes, textbook, handouts, library resources and Internet research. The work that you turn in must be only your own. Academic dishonesty in any manner will not be tolerated by any student at any time. Noncompliance, which shall be determined at the sole discretion of the professor, shall result in the student receiving a score of zero points for the entire assignment and may result in the professor contacting University disciplinary officials.

1. Summarize an episode of Anderson Cooper 360 that you believe is related to the course material.

2. Summarize an episode of Mad Money CNBC that you believe is related to the course material.

3. Summarize an article from the Wall Street Journal that you believe is related to the course material.

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Dissertation: Summarize an episode of anderson cooper 360 that you
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