
Summarize a specific infectious agent

Assignment Topic: MRSA

Infectious Colonization and Contamination


For this activity, complete the following steps adapting for the option chosen to show mastery:

1. Summarize a specific infectious agent and an infectious disease caused by the agent

2. Differentiate among colonization, infection and contamination related to the infectious disease

3. Justify how a patient colonized with the infectious agent differs from a patient who has the infection. Include clinical signs and symptoms with the infectious disease process and the relevance of diagnostic and lab tests

4. Determine how treatment would differ for the two patients and provide a rationale for your explanation supported by literature.


  • Read p. 21-22, 26, 212-241 In Arias, K. M. (2010). Outbreak investigation, prevention and control in health care settings (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
  • Read Chapter 8, p. 187 to 204 in Nelson & Williams (2014). Infectious Disease Epidemiology (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Infection vs Colonization
  • Principles of Communicable Diseases Epidemiology
  • Outbreak Investigation in a Nursing Home Training Project
  • Staphylococcus aureus in the Community: Colonization Versus Infection

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