
Suggested applied topics on industry and firm


Term Paper Topics: You can choose your own topic, which can be theoretical, applied, or policy oriented but must be related to IO. Most chapters of the textbook give references to the theoretical literature regarding a particular theory. Suggested applied topics on industry/firm studies can be found of the textbook. Please get instructor approval before starting your term paper.


A. Abstract: Please turn in a one-paragraph abstract that explains what you plan to do. This is due by the beginning of the second class period in week 3.

B. Paper: The paper is due by the beginning of the second class period in week 9.

Term Paper Requirements: Your paper should be professionally done. That is, it should be clearly written - free of errors in logic, spelling, and grammar.

A. Length: Quality is more important than length, but here are my recommendations.
Econ 460: Approximately 4-8 typed pages (of text), double-spaced text.
Econ 560: Approximately 6-12 typed pages (of text), double-spaced text.

B. References: You must reference at least 5 journal articles in economics or a related field (not just magazines or blogs) unless the analysis is primarily your own.

C. Style: Write your paper in the style of a journal article. The Rand Journal, the Journal of Industrial Economics, and the Review of Industrial Organization are good examples.

1) Divide your paper into sections (e.g., I. Introduction, II. A Summary of the Trigger Theory, II. Evidence of Trigger Strategies, III.... VI. Conclusion). Be sure to include a cover page that lists the title of your paper, your name, date, and course title (Econ 460/560, Industrial Organization).

2) Include a complete set of references.

3) Use footnotes to include supplementary information and/or to reference the sources of a fact, statistic, or idea that is not your own and to reference the source of a direct "quote". Note that plagiarism is using another person's words (or ideas) with the intent of claiming them as your own. When referencing a paper in the text, please use the following form: According to Stigler (1971), the interest-group theory of regulation says . . . . That way you do not need to use a footnote the reference to Stigler's 1971 paper.

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Microeconomics: Suggested applied topics on industry and firm
Reference No:- TGS01825603

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