
Suggest two to three 2-3 reasons why leaders need emotional

Prepare an eight to ten (8-10) slide presentation in which you:

Fully explain emotional intelligence, and give two (2) examples of the concept. Next, examine the concept of "emotional quotient" compared to traditional "intelligence quotient."

Suggest two to three (2-3) reasons why leaders' need emotional intelligence to manage today's workforce. Speculate on at least two (2) possible consequences should a leader not possess emotional intelligence.

Explore the elements of emotional intelligence that leaders must be aware of to increase leadership effectiveness.

Recommend a strategy that the organization could undertake in order to improve the social skills of leaders within the organization and thereby positively influence their emotional intelligence. Support your recommendation with specific examples that illustrate why the strategy would be effective.

Include speaker's notes for each slide to indicate what you would say as you were delivering the presentation to the Board of Directors.

Use at least three (3) quality academic references in this assignment. You may include the resource(s) provided in the assignment.

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Operation Management: Suggest two to three 2-3 reasons why leaders need emotional
Reference No:- TGS01069432

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