Using one of the quotes that will be provided for your apropriate act, you are instructed to explore its meaning, purpose, function, and relevance to the play as a whol.e Lastly, how is its universality been demonstrated today? Assignment: Creative Project- you are the editor assigned to read and proofread and suggest more indepth characterization fo Macbeth. The revision is to be done by creating an aside for Act 5. Explain its implication, purpose, and tone. How does the addition of the lines effect the present interpertation? The aside is 1-4 lines*** Please note that specific length. be aware of ehat happened prior to the scene and why the scene exisits. The writer may create an aside for 1 of the three following of Act 5 of Macbeth. Scene 1 line 31- “Out, damned spot! Out I say!” Scene 3 lines 22-28″My way of life… not” or Scene 3 lines 45-46 ” Therein… himself” Thank you for working hard on this assignemnt- please remember to not the aside length cxan only be 1-4 lines and answer the above questions before and after the directions.