Assignment task: Employment law
1) Provide a set of facts (not a definition) that would suggest a job applicant has a viable disparate treatment claim for sex discrimination under Title VII
2) Provide a set of facts (not a definition) that would suggest a terminated employee has a viable disparate impact claim for sex discrimination under Title VII
3) Explain the type of information that the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) would prohibit an employer from using when making a decision relating to whether to hire a particular job applicant.
5) Do you think that Lou, the owner of a nightclub, has the right to discipline tow of his waitresses for gaining weight and therefore no longer fitting the mold of the other "svelte and statuesque runway models" who work there? Explain your answer?
6) John owns a high-end lingerie store and conducts a survey to determine whether his customers would prefer to shop with a male or female salesperson? Because more than 90% of this customers said they would prefer a female salesperson, John decides to terminate all of his male employees and hire women to fill each of these positions. Do you think this was a sound business decision? Explain your answer.