Suffered a great deal of pain and anguish

Jana Dart, a citizen of California, was attending the premier showing of the movie "Titanic" at the Yoda Four--PO Theatres in Salt Lake City, Utah. She bought a cola and popcorn, and the popcorn contained some small pieces of broken glass. Engrossed in the movie, she ate enough glass to cause severe and numerous internal injuries. She suffered a great deal of pain and anguish, plus numerous medical expenses, and she could not work for four months. She wishes to sue Yoda Four--PO Theatres for $200,000 in damages.

The firm's headquarters are in Texas, although the company does business in Utah and Maine. In which court or courts can Dart bring her suit-in a Utah State court, a Texas State court, a California State court, or a federal court?

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Operation Management: Suffered a great deal of pain and anguish
Reference No:- TGS0514375

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