
Substantial part of the budget through fundraising

Problem 1. It has now become a best practice for the Board of Directors to be responsible for bringing in a substantial part of the budget through fundraising. Do you know of boards that are doing that successfully? What resistance is coming from the Boards to doing their jobs?

Problem 2. Part of the responsibility of the Board is to sign a Whistleblower policy, a Statement of Confidentiality, and a Code of Ethics. Either provide samples from your own organization or provide samples from research.

Problem 3. To me, ethics is the only thing in the world that is black and white. You can't be ethical at home and be unethical at work. You can't say you value 'not stealing' and take a pen from a company. There is no such thing as "situational ethics"........you may steal to feed a hungry child, but it is still unethical. You can't have it both ways. You are either ethical or you are not. It has been determined by many studies that most people are unethical......they tell little white lies, they grab something that is not theirs, etc.

What do you think? Is there a grey area?

Please comprise references.

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Other Management: Substantial part of the budget through fundraising
Reference No:- TGS01753311

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