
Substance abuse in high risk families


A summary of the substance abusing high-risk family group, with explanation of the high-risk condition and associated behaviors or patterns.

Describe assessment of the substance abusing family selected with use of Orem's nursing theories along with High rates of co-occurrence between substance abuse and child neglect.

A summary of a family in a high risk family situation would be complicated:

A father with untreated Bipolar Disorder is using cocaine and marijuana to self medicate. He is verbally and sexually abusive to his children and step wife, and has 2 children, an older girl in her 20s having escaped the house before the she was out of high school, living with a friend. A younger son is in his teens. Because the son still lives at home, he watches the drug use, sees and hears crimes planned, and done. Criminals regularly come to the house. The boy is well clothed and fed, but few friends are invited to the house because of the unstable emotional situations. The dad shoots the son by mistake while high on cocaine. Should a teacher or healthcare worker call child protective services?

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.


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Other Subject: Substance abuse in high risk families
Reference No:- TGS01898838

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