Submit the M-file, plots, and the discussions.
- Generate the following matrices: A = [2 4 6;3 5 1;7 5 9], B = [1 3 6], and C = [5;7;2;0].
- Generate a matrix D = [A;B].
- Now generate a new matrix E = [D C].
- Find the determinant of matrix E.
- Find the inverse of matrix E.
- Find the transpose of matrix E.
- Define a new matrix F = [3;17;12;-2].
- Define another matrix H = [5 7 4 -2;3 12 -6 14].
- Explain whether or not the following matrix multiplications are possible: (1) EE, (2) FF, (3) HH, (4) EF, (5) FE, (6) HE, (7) EH, (8) FH and (9) HF.
- In the cases for which multiplication is possible, perform it using MATLAB. Turn in a print out of your results (from the Command Window) of Parts (a) through (e), and (h).
A = [12 14 16 40; 32 15 11 1; 7 25 19 10],
B = [9 1 36 4; 19 0 -31 2], and C = [7; 5; 7; 2; 0].