A pit, 750' long, 80' wide, and 2' deep, needs to be filled and compacted with select structural fill in Seattle, WA. The swell factor is 20 percent, and the shrinkage factor is 15 percent. The soil is to be retrieved from a location 5 miles away. It will be compacted using sheepsfoot compactors.
Source: Modified from the textbook, Mubarak, S. (2012). How to estimate with RSMeans data: Basic skills for building construction (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
Using the provided data and CostWorks, estimate:
The total volume of soil to be retrieved
The total number of 12-cubic-yard dump trucks needed, each loaded at 110 percent capacity
The total bare cost and the total cost, including overhead & profit (O&P) for the entire operation
Submission Requirements:
Submit the CostWorks format, including all the data and calculations used to estimate the cost of the structural fill.