Assessment: Second short writing submission Submit a short written work, in any creative form, which reinvents a myth.
Here we have choice of choosing any form, I prefer poem.
Submit a short written work, in any creative form (poem, prose, screenplay, etc...), which reinvents a myth.
You may adapt your chosen myth in any way you like.
The submitted piece may be in any form or genre. You are encouraged to read widely in the form/genre you are attempting, and to research and follow any conventions of formatting that apply. If you attempt a screenplay for a short film, the film must be ‘silent' (i.e. must not include dialogue). You may choose a form/genre which is not covered in the lectures, but please check in with your tutor first.
The submitted piece should be within 10% of the following word limit indicators (multimedia work excepted):
Fiction and Non-fiction prose/story: 1500 words PLUS at least 750 words of draft material towards this work.
Poetry: 400 words PLUS at least 200 words of draft material towards this work.
Silent film screenplay: Five pages PLUS at least three pages of draft material towards this work.
Multimedia/zine: form dependent, minimum 400 words PLUS at least 200 words of draft material towards this work.
You may also, if you wish, include a one paragraph description (up to 100 words) of your research materials and methods, if you feel this is a useful addition to your work.