Research Paper
Within Unit VIII you are going to submit a Research Paper based upon a topic related to American homeland security.
The Research Paper will need to be at least eight pages in length with five scholarly references to support your argument surrounding your topic, answer your research question, or support your points about the need for further research on this topic.
The Research Paper will be submitted in parts throughout Units II, IV, and VIII (the final product), to provide appropriate feedback and ensure you are on track with your progress Unit VIII: For your final submission, you are to submit the Research Paper you have been working on throughout the course.
The Research Paper should be at least eight pages in length, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt font, with appropriate APA style writing.
The Research Paper must contain a minimum of five scholarly references supporting your argument surrounding your topic, answering your research question(s), or supporting your points about the need for further research on this topic.