
Submit a fully developed essay your essay should be

Submit a fully developed essay Your essay should be approximately 3 to 5 pages in length. All assignments should be a combination of solid research and personal evaluation of the data. Your essay should comply with the Chicago Manual of Style. "The unthinking decision to divide the army into officers who were gentlemen and soldiers who were not reflected a central division in colonial and British society" (Cox 2004, 2-3). After reflecting on the topic statement, use the course materials and other sources, if you choose, to develop an essay that responds to the following questions: Does the literature provide evidence that the decision was unthinking? If yes, explain why you think it does and support your reasoning with examples. If no, explain why you think it doesn't and support your reasoning with examples. Which two of the following categories of soldier life-education, healthcare, punishment, death, or POW status-provide the best evidence of the class division and its effects? Explain the rationale for why you chose the two you did. Provide examples from the literature to support your conclusion. Which one of the following categories of soldier life-education, healthcare, punishment, death, or POW status-provides the least evidence of the class division and its effects? Explain the rationale for why you chose the one you did. Provide examples from the literature to support your conclusion. Be sure to use properly formatted (Chicago style) citations when discussing your answers.

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HR Management: Submit a fully developed essay your essay should be
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