
Subject through a gendered lens

The intent of this assignment is for you to take a closer look at a subject through a gendered lens. The subject? Whatever your favorite thing is: jazz, soccer, architecture, football, cheerleading, teaching, running, volleyball, basketball, singing, poetry, theatre, etc.

First – choose a subject/topic – one about which you want to know more.

Secondly – focus the subject/topic so that it can easily be studied

Then – read up on the history of your subject/topic, going back at least into the 1950s.

Use the following questions to help you understand your subject/topic:

What was it like at that time?

What was it like for—men, women, people of color, and people with differing abilities, sexualities, religions, or socio-economic class?

Who controlled or had the most influence on your subject/topic?

Where was the money? (who got it, how was it generated, etc.?)

Then look at your subject now and ask the same questions.

Once you have identified what your topic was like some sixty years ago and how it is different now, try to identify how those changes came about and what role gender, race, class, sexuality, etc. and feminism played in those changes and how, why, and even who.

Keep a “journal” of the work you do for this project in which you will keep track of what you read, interesting information you found that may not work in your presentation, your thoughts about the projects, etc.

Then write up at 2-3 page summary of what you found. This and the journal of the work you did and the thoughts you had while researching will be.Each class day at the beginning of class you will be able to ask questions, seek clarifications, etc. as long these questions don’t take up too much class time. So keep track of your questions or problems with this project.

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Reference No:- TGS01240561

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