
Studying about solar thermal heat


Write a 150 word essay with APA style reference that has additional information based on your professional experience or research based on the next text.

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After reviewing McKinsey Global Institutes list of disruptive technologies I have chosen to focus on energy-storage. In today's society there are several ways that energy can be stored. Batteries inside vehicles and cars, windmills, water storage plants and even nuclear power plants are all ways that energy can currently be stored and used for various purposes. Growing up in a small town where windmills were brought in to provide an alternative energy source I have focused my research on energy-storage on renewable energy, specifically solar thermal systems. Solar thermal systems are capable of storing energy during the day and then releasing that energy through the night as needed (Penn State, n.d.). Solar thermal energy can store energy in two ways; 1. energy is stored through a chemical reaction and then released as heat and 2. energy is stored as solar thermal fuel (STF) (Chandler, 2016). Solar thermal fuel is a charged configuration, and when triggered by specific stimuli or temperature should be able to go back to its original shape and release heat (Chandler, 2016). Solar thermal fuels has the ability to impact how people live through clothing and vehicle "maintenance". STF can be used in a car windshield, being stored in the glass and releasing heat when introduced to frigid temperatures in order to melt the ice effortlessly from the windshield. STF can also be used in clothing, with heat being emitted at the exact amount needed to provide warmth for the body.

Solar thermal heat could impact Notions by using passive solar energy. Passive solar energy can be used independently or along with another energy source (Penn State, n.d.). Passive solar energy can be used through solar panels, which is something that could potentially benefit the current company that I work for. Solar panels are currently used for businesses at a slightly smaller scale, typically green houses, but solar panels could also be beneficial for the order fulfillment center that I currently work in as we have thousands of square feet of roofing space to house these panels. The energy that could be stored from these panels could be used to help heat the facility at night, as our operations do run 24/7 five or six days a week. With over one million square feet of roofing space to place these panels, I am confident that we would be able to store enough energy throughout the day during the sunny months to be able to heat parts of the facility during our slower shifts (typically third shift from 11PM to 7AM).

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Operation Management: Studying about solar thermal heat
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