A) Compare THE FIVE TOP web platform web design and expose pros and cons of using theses platforms.
Like Wordpress. This can be a comparison in the table. each pros and cons may contain 3-5 points.
B) Study the social media presence of two direct competitors in the same market place: i.e. coca-cola vs pepsi, canon vs nikon, etc. Study their respective social media marketing strategies and, giving detailed reasons, assess which one is doing a better job. Some things you should look at, although not only, are:
- How often are they facebooking (FB)?
- What are they FB about?
- How are they handling customer comments, inquiries, and complaints?
- How often are they sharing links?
- Are they offering discounts, freebies, or other perks to their followers?
- Are they making mistakes?
- What "voice" are they using through all social media?
- Do you think they are using FB ads? How? Should they?
Approx 250 words.