
Study the electrical characteristics of light emitting diode

Assignment Problem: The acquisition script must be adjusted according to the signal frequency used, do not cause Aliasing.

  • Design the PCB, you may want to include on the PCB the proper anti-Aliasing filter
  • For your design you must use LM741 as operational amplifier and commercial values for passive components (see manufacturers' and suppliers' websites like Element14, Digikey etc if you are in doubt which values to use).

Experiment and Lab Report:

Work is individual, please use the supplied template. Tutors will demo to you a fully functional circuit using Zoom or other video-conferencing tools. Source files like schematics and Arduino program must be made available and attached to the report (zip file) at submission. This assignment will be marked according to the following marking criteria:

1. Correct use of the template i.e. figures have proper captions etc.

2. Simulation of analogue circuit fully functioning and properly explained

3. Virtual breadboard and no aliasing in acquisition script

4. PCB design

Characterisation and Signal Conditioning


i) To study quality measurement parameters

ii) To study the electrical characteristics of Light Emitting Diode (LED)

iii) To study the electrical characteristics of Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

iv) To perform signal conditions of an LDR

Equipment Required:

i) Multisim/Partsim

ii) Virtual BreadBoard

iii) DipTrace/Altium

Digital simulation:

For this experiment you should prepare an Arduino script that using PWM can dim a LED light (10% to 100% in at least 9 steps) and simultaneously acquire data from one single analogue channel (please be mindful about aliasing). The script must be uploaded as part of your report. Hint: see inventor kit Circuit #6.

Using Virtual BreadBoard assembly the analogue circuit you made, replace the LDR resistor with a proper sensor and make sure you connect the output into the analogue input A0. Please be mindful that you need to select a proper sample rate that does not incur in Aliasing and sized well with regards to the PWM frequency you using to run the LED.

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Tags: Light Emitting Diode Assignment Help, Light Emitting Diode Homework Help, Light Emitting Diode Coursework, Light Emitting Diode Solved Assignments, Light Dependent Resistor Assignment Help, Light Dependent Resistor Homework Help, PCB Assignment Help, PCB Homework Help

Attachment:- Experiment and Lab Report.rar

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Electrical Engineering: Study the electrical characteristics of light emitting diode
Reference No:- TGS03058061

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