
Study the classical medical treatments and herbalnatural

Choose a condition or disease to study. You may NOT choose diabetes! Your text lists 35 conditions. I recommend you choose one of them and use your text as a jump off point. Use your imagination and pretend that your group meets in a self-help healing group and that you all have the disease or condition you are researching. Make your research and conclusions as realistic as possible. What would you REALLY do if you received this diagnosis?

Part 1 - Study the classical medical treatments and herbal/"natural" cures. Compare them and cite any and all research that would uphold the "natural" cure claims. Include any and all folklore or cultural practices. Identify all faulty arguments you find in the literature.

Part 2 -Look at the economic implications of the disease/condition you studied. How much money are pharmaceutical companies making on treatments? Are the "natural" treatments easy to grow? Expensive to buy? What is the profit?

Part 3: Suggest a protocol using the scientific method for testing the claims of the herbal cures. I require some thoughtful and thorough steps here.

Part 4: Come to a personal conclusion about your treatment. Each person in the group will need to write their own section. Just put them all together, a paragraph each.

Please use the following format: Separate the paper into clearly labeled parts. Do not forget to include an overall Introduction and Conclusion. Please also include a word count. When you turn in your paper as an attachment make sure the file is labeled with the name of the disease you studied not the name of the assignment, please.

Each group must designate ONE person to turn in the whole paper. The grade is a group grade. Make sure that when you combine the various parts that the whole paper flows with a coherent, non-repetitive style. Combining different people's work smoothly is part of this assignment

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Science: Study the classical medical treatments and herbalnatural
Reference No:- TGS01012632

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