
Study of career-ending misconduct among new york city

Discuss the below:

Create a 350 words 1 reference. Respond to the question is a real life scenario, remember stealing is stealing no matter what, the last writer stated the officer would not arrest for food and yes they would, they would probably see what was going on as to why the kid was stealing food in the first place and may have to get children services involved-something to consider.

Article that can be used:

Bad cops: A study of career-ending misconduct among New York City police officers By Robert Kane and Michael White. 2009 American Society of Criminology. Criminology & Public Policy

Q: Consider the following hypothetical situation: an officer observes a 14-year-old kid put three video games ($60 worth of merchandise) in their bag and walk out of a BestBuy. What should the officer do? Would your decision change if the officer observed a 14-year-old kid steal ~$60 worth of food? Why are these appropriate uses of officer discretion?

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Other Subject: Study of career-ending misconduct among new york city
Reference No:- TGS01971644

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