Studies have shown that the frequency with which shoppers browse internet retailers is related to the frequency with which they actually purchase products and or service online. The following data show respondents age and answer to the questions. " How many minutes do you browse online retailers per week.
Age (X) Time (Y)
23 513
51 207
45 201
33 405
56 141
61 141
39 297
23 501
22 531
46 273
53 147
34 381
20 591
18 609
22 519
1) Use data>Data Analysis>Correlation to compute the correlation checking the Label check book
2) Use the excel function=CORREL to compute the correlation. If answers for #1 and 2 do not agree, there is an error
3) The strength of the correlation motivates further examination
a. Inser scatter (X,Y) pilot linked to the data on this sheet with Age on the horizontal (X) axis
b. Add to your chart: the chart name, vertical axis label, and horizontal axis label
c. Complete the chart by adding trending and checking boxes
4) Read directly from the chart:
a. Intercept=
b. Slope=
c. R^2
5) Perform Data>Data Analysis>Regression
6) Read the standard error in the regression output?
7) Based on the regression output, what is the equation of the regression line?
8) Use the excel to predict the number of minutes spent by a 40 year old shopper. Enter=followed by the regression formula. Enter the intercept and slope into the formula by clicking on the cells in the regression output with the results.