
Students will understand how and why government spending

Please kindly note that my chosen area is health spending with particular emphasis on public hospitals especially hospital emergency department and hospital emergency ward beddings. How increase in spending would improve the productivity, economy and focus on analysing key economic indicators and how spending would improve the current hospital crisis situation especially in the emergency department in Australia. Please help with referencing in accordance with Australian figures and numbers.

If you can help with some good references, charts and figures based on Australian statisics that would be helpful

Key Question: Students will understand how and why government spending can affect the whole economy.

Task: Congratulations! You have just been appointed to the role of key economic advisor to the Prime Minister of Australia! Your task is to

write a report for the Prime Minister outlining 1 key area in the Federal Budget in May and how this will affect the economy.

Procedure: Roughly 1000 words of your assignment should include the introduction and focus on your chosen key area. The key areas could be:

Defence Education Medicare Social Security

If you would like to do another area, please consult with your teacher.

A paragraph on the background of your key area maybe helpful eg: AFP spending has increased 5% for the past 10 years.

You need to outline your recommendations for either the increase or decrease in spending in this key area eg: you may recommend the AFP spending should increase by 3% (you will need to find out the dollar amounts) because of the ongoing issue with illegal immigrants.

You will need to outline where the extra spending or decrease in spending should go or come from eg: extra AFP funding should be spent to employ an extra 50 staff members to pursue people smugglers.

The other 2000 words of your assignment will focus on HOW these changes in your key area will affect the Australia economy, focusing on ANALYSING key economic indicators.

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Macroeconomics: Students will understand how and why government spending
Reference No:- TGS01241755

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