Develop a Media Presentation
Students will develop a power point media presentation. Presentation will require researching a module specific topic.
For this activity you will research the four categories of reciprocating engines. In your presentation address the following:
1. Research the four different types of reciprocating engines.
2. Provide an overview of the design, construction, and firing order of each engine.
3. Provide research concerning which air frame used the engine.
Presentation Guidelines
Note: This information applies to all Media Presentation activities and will not be repeated. Present your research material in the format of a written document (Introduction, body, and conclusion). Presentation requirements consist of 5-7 slides with a balance of both bullet text information and images; does not include the title or reference slide. APA formatting and structural guidelines apply. Additional information concerning APA formatting and guides can be found within Academic Resources. Submission is via file upload, thereforesave your assignment using a naming convention that includes: first name, last name, and activity number (or description). Do not use punctuation or special characters. Presentations are worth a maximum of 100 points. View the evaluation rubric for specific grading details.