You have been employed as the Operations manager at Gold Coast Marketing. You have been asked to work with a team that has been operating for six months. Productivity is down and there appears to be little or no motivation amongst the group. Progress and productivity are being hampered by high absenteeism and high staff attrition. The last couple of projects have either been late or have gone over budget. Your goal is to turn the team from one that is under performing to one that is innovative and motivated. You have been asked to do this job because of the success you have had with other non-performing teams.
Students please answer the following questions:
How will you communicate the companies' goals and values without being authoritarian?
What steps will you take to break down the barriers between:
How will you assign accountabilities and responsibilities to each of the team members and ensure that they are consistent with their individual competencies and the overall operational plans?
What future support structure and professional development activities would you put in place for your team to achieve continuous improvement to assist in their success?
As the appointed Manager, what personal and professional competences do you believe you have to demonstrate in order to achieve a positive outcome for the above project?