
Students can choose any business and economic policy area

ECON 3300A - Essay Assignment

Assignment: write an essay proposal (200 words) and a short essay (2,500 words)

Essay topic:

Students can choose any business and economic policy area such as competition policy, price and entry regulations, international trade policy, environmental policy, policies related to resource development and exploitation, impact of macroeconomic and fiscal policies on businesses etc. Essay must provide analyses as related to Canadian businesses or economy as a whole.

Some examples:

- Canadian companies be taken over by foreign nationals;

- Foreign direct investment in Canada or Canadian direct investment in emerging economies;

- Increasing control of Canadian telecommunication industry by the big three;

- Free trade negotiations between Canada and EU or Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation;

- Current debate on oil and gas exploitation in Canadian western provinces;

- Government stimulus package (e.g. Economic Action Plan in Canada, QE3 in the US) in recession;

- Impact and implications of US-Canadian dollar exchange rates;

- Concern about Canadians being deep in debt and the response or non-response of interest rate;

- Global environment protection and domestic production costs;

- Role of IMF in global economic stabilization;

- Comments and analyses on any current news.

The essay topic I have selected is Impact and implications of US-Canadian dollar exchange rates. I would like to investigate the relationship of the exchange rate between the two countries.

The two articles I will start with are:



These two articles both discuss the correlation of US-Canada exchange rate, but from different points of view. The first article proposes a detailed explanation on affiliation between the two countries geographically and why it is impacting. The second article concentrates on how powerful is the US economy and can Canada depend on the US.

My focus in the essay will be on the particular used..

A possible outline for my essay is the following (sections and section headings subject to change):

  1. Introduction
  2. Summary of Kuszczak's article
  3. Summary of Katherine Dunn's article
  4. Explanation on how the effectives between the two countries exchange and how the geographic relationship is important also can they depend on each other.

                        Data Kuszczak's article has a large table of data, and one or two graphical displays might have been very helpful. If I can, I will try to plot some of this data so that the arguments are made stand out visually.


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Microeconomics: Students can choose any business and economic policy area
Reference No:- TGS01676992

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