
Students are required to write a case study on this episode

Assessment Task 1- Corenderrk - Case Study

A case study of Corranderrk.

Core Readings:

The Coranderrk Inquiry -


Truganini & George Augustus Robinson -


Processes of Decolonisation - https://www.sjsu.edu/people/marcos.pizarro/maestros/Laenui.pdf


Aunty Joy Murphy Wandin: Coranderrk -


Lecture Content - Task/Instructions

Students are required to write a case study on this episode of SBS's First Australians - Episode 3 'Coranderrk'. This lesson is focusing on the period and issues of the Protection Period for Aboriginal people. Your case study should talk about process from a missionary period run mission to an era of protection where government policy and the Aboriginal Board of Protection laws, rules and regulations came into play. What where these changes? How did the effect the Aboriginal people of Coranderrk? What did the Aboriginal people of Corranderrk do about it? What was their relation with the first Missionary Corranderrk? How did they survive on the mission? What happened to the Aboriginal people and mission of Coranderrk?

Watch Here: https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/11721283804/first-australians-they-have-come-to-stay

Essential Reading: https://www.sjsu.edu/people/marcos.pizarro/maestros/Laenui.pdf

Assessment Task 2:-

Students are to keep a Weekly journal of all 5 intensive classess. You will need to record and discussing topics and issues raised within the classes.

Journal requirement:

Evidence of reflection of weekly tutorial and lecture notes,

Summaries of readings with key ideas and quotes.

Excursion to Bunjilaka and Koorie Heritage Trust,

Evidence of organisation and working through assessment tasks.

This journal should not be seen as a separate assessment to assignment 3. Instead it should be used as evidence to support your exploration and structure of Assignment 3.

Your journal should be electronic (meaning in one whole word document).

Students should copy/paste key quotes from reading and other sources that you think useful including pictures and or diagrams with explainations.

Please Note: Your journals are only made up of 5 entries i.e. 5 pages. 1 page per lesson. You only have to write the minimum which is one page per lesson. Also it is not due until the 8 January 2016 so you have a lot of time.

NOTE: Your journal has to be downloaded on collaborate as 1 whole document.

For this assessment I will need send you the 5 classes or lessons and you will need to write 1 page per lesson.

Assessment Task 3- Explorative Essay

Exploring the Missionary, Protection or Assimilation Periods of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy.

Choose one of the periods in the governing of Aboriginal people and discuss the key features of that period of policy purpose of policy in the wider dialogue of imperialism and colonialism effects it has on Aboriginal lives then and now

Time and place-­-specific examples

You should use the journal of assignment 2 as a plan to map your exploration of this period.

Requirements for Explorative Essay:

Give an introduction to the chosen period of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy. The introduction to the essay should be first 500 words.

The key word in assessement task is exploring, This is an explorative essay without argument or persuasion.

What happened? When did it happen? Why did it happen?....i.e. a provide a general overview of each period.....explain what the differences are?

Identify the different acts in each period i.e.

1. Missionary Period - protection against massacres, that's why they put Aboriginal people on missions. The reserves and the missions kept us together...Because they were government trusted later on some Aboriginal people got this land back. So we have attachment and memory, it kept families together and in some cases kept us close to country.....Find examples of this.

2. Protection Period - Management - social welfare to state welfare. Government sponsored, full cast from half -casts. When they realised we weren't going to die out it shifted it from missionary period, to protection period. Keeping population controlled in the end.

3. Assimilation Period - the closing down of missions, they stole our children, we move to assimilate into mainstream society. People ended up living on the fringes i.e. watch the movie Fringe Dwellers as an example.

Throughout the essay find examples i.e. refer to intentions and the outcomes of each period. You need to give good definitions, and provide good examples.

Your essay must include a bibliography.

Remember this is a first year assignment, so Google the periods, and the examples.

NOTE: Please provide a cover sheet for you assessment with all the correct student, subject and asessment information.

Helpful Sites:

Trasnistion Words and Phrasing - https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/Transitions.html, and https://www.smart-words.org/linking-words/transition-words.html

Bibilography - Harvard Referencing - https://www.harvardgenerator.com

Trove - National Library of Australia - https://trove.nla.gov.au

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies - https://aiatsis.gov.au

Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com.au

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Case Study: Students are required to write a case study on this episode
Reference No:- TGS01186706

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