
Students are required to complete an online practice set

Perdisco online practice set

Students are required to complete an online practice set that will count towards the overall assessment mark for this unit. By completing a one-month accounting cycle for a fictional business, you will gain experience in the practical and technical skills essential to accounting.

The practice set provides each student with a unique accounting scenario and therefore must be completed on an individual basis. The practice set is a large activity, taking up to 20 study hours to complete over a number of days or weeks. Please ensure that you leave yourself enough time to complete this activity before its submission deadline.

Answers to the practice set are submitted online. However, it is possible to print each page of the practice set in order to work on it offline. As you submit each page of the practice set you will receive immediate performance feedback and your ongoing score.

The online practice set is available from within your Perdisco account. To access the practice set, please:

  1. Create an account at www.perdisco.com.au/login
  2. Once registered, click 'Add a product to my account.' Select your course from the available options.

This step will ask you to add a 'product key'. Your product key is your course code + the first letter of your campus name. For example:

HC1010S or HA1020B

            Note: no spaces, use a capital letter for the campus name

  1. Click 'How do I pay?' for the payment options available.

Payment can be made by online credit card or PayPal. Payment instructions are provided after registration.

When you login to your practice set, you will see a Student Companion and Helpful Hints document on your practice set home page. This document gives you information that will help you to successfully complete the practice set.

In the interest of student access and equity, virtual 'library copies' of the practice set are provided through an Electronic Special Reserve (ESR) service on the Perdisco website. Like library books, ESR is limited by available hours and the number of simultaneous users. To access ESR, please create an account and add the practice set to it, then click 'ESR login'. For more information, click 'ESR info' after registration. Tip for using ESR: avoid leaving your work to the last minute when demand for ESR copies of the practice set is likely to be high.

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Business Management: Students are required to complete an online practice set
Reference No:- TGS02862981

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