
students are reminded to read pages related to

Students are reminded to read pages related to assessment rules including rules for dishonest work in the BCS Student Handbook. You are allowed to seek advice from any source, but your written submission must be your own work, except where clearly referenced. You are allowed to contact the maintainers of the website you are critiquing to ask questions.


Website Critique

In your critique you are expected to include:

• Introduction (URL, owner, history, purpose as well as target audiences of the website, and the content of your report)
• Content (content/services offered by the site, including a site map showing site organisation)
• Visual design (design themes, page layout)
• Navigation (description and details of navigation)
• Multimedia elements (identify multimedia elements and comment if they are properly used, including AD Banners)
• Usability and accessibility (including site popularity and website SEO)
• Ownership and copyright (identify the ownership and copyright information of the website and comment on if they are properly used)
• Technique Details (web server and OS used, technologies used and software possibly used in developing the website)
• Improvements/Highlights (indicate at least 7 possible items and give details)
• References (the references used in your critique).

You should describe the information you have identified first and then critique on them. You should give reasons and evidences for your opinions and illustrate important examples with screenshots. You should backup your opinions by using the principles given in the lectures or literature.

Report Creation

Your report for the critique should be done as a website, and uploaded to hyperdisc teaching server. In addition to the content specified in the Website Critique section of this document, your website should also meet the following requirements:

• Use iframe
• Use external CSS file
• Include an index page with a menu of required elements
• Include a home page with a brief welcome message
• Include a page to briefly describe the design principles applied in the website
• Use proper color, text and page design
• Use a proper tile for all the pages.

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Case Study: students are reminded to read pages related to
Reference No:- TGS0490398

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