
Student will lay out the different surfaces such as glass

Create different bloodstain patterns and analyze the patterns using these instructions and the following materials:

Mixture of blood substitute (evaporated milk, water and tomato paste)


Yardstick or tape measure
One ceramic tile
One piece of cardboard
One piece of glass or a mirror
One piece of raw wood
One plastic knife
A camera (phone camera is fine)

Experiment 1:

Student will lay out the different surfaces such as glass, tile, cardboard, and wood on the ground. Using a dropper filled with the blood solution, the student will drip blood onto the surface at a distance of 12 inches and at 36 inches at a 90-degree angle. Use the yardstick or tape measure to determine the distances from the floor to the dropper.

Experiment 2:

Student will lay a newspaper on the ground. Dip a plastic knife into the blood solution. Walk slowly on the newspaper and let the blood drip off the knife. Change the newspaper, dip the knife in the blood again, and walk at a fast speed on the newspaper while letting the blood drip off the knife.


Photograph the bloodstains with and without scale. Use a ruler, yardstick, or measuring tape to show the size of the bloodstain.
Analyze the bloodstains created in Experiment 1 and explain the findings of the different surfaces and distances in regards to stain size, shape, and pattern.

Analyze the bloodstains created in Experiment 2 and explain the direction of travel and measure the angle of impact of one bloodstain of choice.

Perform the experiment and report findings in a Word document. Import the photos into your document and write findings and experiences underneath each photo.

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Dissertation: Student will lay out the different surfaces such as glass
Reference No:- TGS02450768

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