
Student data for instructional

This is a grade five mathematics lesson plan on the topic Area of triangles, area of rectangles and area of squares.

It includes state standards which indicate what is expected to be done by the student during the lesson. It also includes prerequisites skills which are skills and knowledge the students might have learnt in the previous lessons. It entails objectives which guide the teacher on what is expected after the lesson.

The lesson plan also contains a brief detail on the materials to be used and the procedures to be followed during the lesson.

It also contains accommodations, used in both the instruction and assessment strategies to assist learners with special needs in class. In this case, we have two learners with learning disabilities, one with ADHD and one with reading problems.

The students with learning disabilities were accommodated by actively engaging them in group work and also engaging them in class discussions through asking and answering questions and giving immediate feedback.

The learner with ADHD was accommodated by allowing him to sit next to me for visual cues and also presenting the learner with many activities in terms of leading a group activity and solving multiple problems. The learner with reading difficulty was accommodated by guiding the learner when reading and also using choral responses.

This lesson plan is effective as it involves clear procedures on what to be done and it's also learner-centered; focusing on every need of the learner. The group and class activities involved make the learners more active and focused throughout the lesson.

These activities enable the students to remember what they have been taught quite easily during both formative and summative evaluations.

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HR Management: Student data for instructional
Reference No:- TGS01066608

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