
Structured on the proposal to ensure the application

Prepare an Outline for your Final Project based on your approved Project Proposal . The Outline must be structured on the Proposal to ensure the application of the concepts and techniques learnt in this module.

In the Outline, you should also show clear boundaries between the following sections of the Final Project:

A procurement plan for hospital development

A list of at least four procurement issues faced by procurement managers in the NHS

A strategy to handle procurement for the UK hospital

In addition, provide a preliminary list of references (academic as well as from the health sector) you intend to consult to support the Project.

Please make sure that you cite and reference all your outside sources properly, as per the Harvard Referencing System.

Use the Turnitin link below to submit your assignment.

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Other Subject: Structured on the proposal to ensure the application
Reference No:- TGS0552862

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