1. Structure, process, and quality measures of organizational effectiveness are viewed as completely independent of each other.
a. true b. false
2. Sustainability refers to
a. the degree to which an organization is able to remain committed to a strategy b. the depth of an organizations financial and strategic reserves c. the degree to which rivals are able to imitate or substitute
3. Factors relevant to the evaluation of organizational performance include
a. time frame b. domains of activity c. perspectives of interested parties d. all of the above e. none of the above
4. One response by health care organizations to meeting the disparate needs of multiple competing stakeholders is to develop a community orientation.
a. true b. false
5. The concepts of absolute and relative power contrast
a. degrees of corporate control in strategic decision making b. market power generally versus power relative to the local market c. degree to which competitive advantage is achievable in the short run
6. The resource-based view emphasizes
a. the use of resources and capabilities to gain advantage b. the buildup of essential financial reserves c. the use of organizational structure to integrate systems