
Structure of the labium minus

Q1. Describe the structure of the labium minus. What is its function?

Q2. Describe the structure of the labium majus. What is its function?

Q3. Describe the structure of the vagina. What is its function?

Q4. Define parturition. What is the standard measure for timing parturition?

Q5. Name the structure that varies its position with the fullness of the urinary bladder and rectum. What is the function of that structure?

Q6. The junction of the cervical canal and what structure forms the internal os? What is the function of that structure?

Q7. Name the female gonads. What is their function?

Q8. Name the location for a tubal ligation. What is this procedure?

Q9. Name the location where the cartilage softens in late pregnancy to allow a slight separation of the pubic bones.

Q10. Name the structure that conducts the ovarian vessels and nerves.

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Biology: Structure of the labium minus
Reference No:- TGS0522357

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