
Structure of c program and data types

1) Explain the following terms with the help of an example.

a) Keywords.

b) Identifiers.

2) Describe the formatted input- output functions.

3) State Data Types along with its formatted strings.

4) Describe the Conditional Operator with the help of an example.

5) Write down the C program to accept any integer number and display its octal and hexadecimal form.

6) Specify use of the bitwise operators.

7) Explain what is meant by operator Precedence with example.

8) What is meant by Variable? Specify how it is declared and initialized?

9) Explain what is operator? Specify unary and Binary operator.

10) Specify relational operators along with its meaning.

11) Specify the rule for declaring the integer constant.

12) Describe the structure of C program.

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C/C++ Programming: Structure of c program and data types
Reference No:- TGS011740

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