Structure of academic text usually hourglass title

Problem: Structure of Academic Text Usually hourglass Title: main and subtitle catchy hook, topic and focus keywords (theory, dates) Abstract: concise summary of the paper, generally covers the problem, why its relevant, methods used, main results/arguments and conclusion. Sometimes keywords are added Introduction: presenting problem and question Puzzle(addresses the WHY) it's a contextualisation(justification), Research question/thesis, roadmap (follows logically), explanation of definition. Main Body: argument and evidence methodology->(provides legitimacy), not all academic texts literature review-> comprehensive explanation of definitions or theories, shows authors knowledge and understanding, shows authors's arguments are new. What assumptions is the author relying on Theory -> academic Results(Social science) in quantitative paper: visual representations of results Discussion/Analysis->most important part of the text. author making an argument, interpretation of information, also examining and defending/refuting things, providing evidence many paragraphs follow the peel structure P oint E vidance E xplanation L ink and thus  i am asking you to help me find the relevant page numbers so that i could study those parts properly



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Other Subject: Structure of academic text usually hourglass title
Reference No:- TGS03414354

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