
strike perils in marine insurance strike perils

Strike Perils : In marine insurance, strike perils mean events which lead to loss or damage to cargo caused by:

i) Strikes, lock-out workmen or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions; and

ii) A ten or is for any person acting from a political motive.

It is clear from the above that strike perils are not only the ones which are caused by the striking workmen. These also include perils caused by the political activities, who participate or lead the strike. In fact, strike perils, as opposed to war perils are the handiwork of citizens of the same country. The perils covered under the Institute's Strike Clauses supplement of the perils covered under the Institute War Clauses. It is, therefore, customary for war and strike risks to be covered jointly on payment of a single premium. However, strike clauses have been so designed that they can be used separately from the war risk cover.

Regarding the duration of the cover, the strike risks cover is from warehouse of the exporter to warehouse of the importer. It exists throughout the whole period of transit. This stipulation is in contrast to the IS-day time limit for war risks cover at either the final port of discharge or at an intermediate port. However, even when cover is from the warehouse of the seller to (hat of the buyer, there is an implied time limit for transport of cargo from the final port of discharge to the warehouse of the buyer. This time limit is 60 days in the case of marine (sea) transit and 30 days for air transit, after the final discharge at the port.


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