
Stress and job satisfaction-performance and commitment

1. Case synopsis. Write a brief description of the situation as identified in the case below. Identify the specific issues outlined in the case and your analysis on aspects related to motivation, stress and job satisfaction, performance and commitment.

2. Analyze the case below. Based upon your reading of the case you selected, provide a three to four paragraph analysis of the situation. Keep the focus on those aspects of the issue that will allow you to apply and analyze theories related to motivation, stress and job satisfaction, and their implications for performance and commitment.

3. Recommendations. Based on your understanding and analysis of the case, provide your recommendations for intervention as a "consultant" to the organization facing the issues (positive and/or negative) presented in the case. You will want to describe the interventions you propose as well as the rationale for these interventions (i.e., why might they be better than any possible alternative recommendations). This section should incorporate some best practices for managing job commitment and motivation, as well as recommendations to eliminate or prevent any withdrawal behaviors. Ensure that your recommendations follow logically from your analysis of the situation. About three to four paragraphs.

4. Expected outcomes. Based on your analysis, discuss the outcomes that should be achieved by the interventions recommended. Explain how these expected outcomes might be predicted. Finally, consider whether the achievement of these outcomes might be affected by the biases mentioned in the case presentation. Two to three paragraphs minimum.

Case Scenario:

It was a unilateral decision to employee a new marketing chief strategist. The current manager had been with the organization since its inception, he was an African-American. The issue was the dwindling level of sales of the company in the middle of the recession. The management believed that the manager, with his team, did not get their strategies right despite the woes of the economy. The former manager was consistently written up, solely blamed, and stripped off some benefits attached to his office. Efforts to resolve the problem proved abortive.

Context of the case:

The embattled manager had been responsible for the product marketing of the organization. The management before the fallout had never opposed his decisions except for the General Manager who believed he was not qualified because he had his education abroad! His competence and productivity became the subject matter as sales fell considerably during the early recession of 2008. The General Manager began to use this opportunity to frustrate the manager and his colleagues. He was quoted in one of management meetings as saying, "which school did you attend over there? I bet it must have been one these mushroom management classes.

The manager failed to appreciate the importance of diversity in the workplace as explained by Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson (2013) as one of the most viable trends affecting the workplace. Colquitt et al. (2013) explained that the economy continues to become more global which makes businesses in the U.S. to be facing different forms of diversity. Most employees felt that the marketing manager's attitude was not the problem but the economy which had been erratic over the period. They were not satisfied with the management decision; this was shown in their different withdrawal behaviors both physical and psychological. The employees' morale dropped and inevitably they lost values that affected the organizational goal achievement. Colquitt et al. (2013) described withdrawal behavior as different attitudes that employees exhibit to avoid work.

Case Outcome:

The manager's attitude toward his job duties changed negatively. He was never satisfied with his job any more neither was he motivated by the management that once had confidence in his ability to get the job done. He began to feel cheated, used and this dropped his job performance. The continued pressure from the General Manager and his favorites did not help matters. The out of favor manager began to miss scheduled work time by asking for unplanned leaves; even when he was at worked, day dreaming became daily occurrences. He was eventually advised to resign unless he would accept demotion. He was demoted and certain benefits were withdrawn. The manager preferred the demotion to quitting because of the fact that he still derived some gains from the organization, a type of commitment that Colquitt et al. (2013) defined as continuance commitment.

Colquitt et al. (2013), defined commitment as what encourages an employee to remain a member of his organization. Despite the fact that the marketing manager was committed at first to the organization and other employees, the strong hatred toward him by the general manager demoralized him and this affected his performance and productivity. Colquitt et al. (2013) explained how different mechanisms like group and individual could result into individual outcome where the employee either does a good job because of the encouragement he receives from the group of people he works coupled with good leadership styles or he fails in his job performance because of hostility and inability to maximize diversity in organization positively. Pless & Maak (2004) described diversity as a cultural question, and that of norms and values that need to be accepted in the workplace.

Consequence of the case:

Following the demotion of the manager and the resignation of some of the marketing department employees, the organization continued to spend more money to hire new staff whose commitment were not total having heard through the grapevine what the problem. The organization's profit was eroded and old staff found their ways out. Cascio (2013) discussed the financial effects of employees attitudes that managers need to watch the relationship between behavior and attitudes for better productivity. This was one of the consequences of the organization.

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Other Management: Stress and job satisfaction-performance and commitment
Reference No:- TGS01771122

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