
Strengths-weaknesses of various organisational structure


Kate Adie,the managing director of Cavendish Laborotories,a medium sized medical research company specialising in the developement of a cure for a range of medical problems. She has successfully overseen the rapid growth of the organisation over the last few years,and is anxious that the company keeps up with the pace of change.

In particular,Kate is interested in understanding the effects of future changes in the business environment.As the firm has grown,she has been concerned with developing the company’s organisational structure in order to become more responsive to future changes in the environment.

Kate is worried about the effects of future changes on the workforce, management and shareholders.She recognises the needs to develop the company’s ability to communicate with its main stakeholders and to make sure every one is aware of the need for change.

She has heard the Organisational Developement programmes can provide a suitable model for planning and implementing change programmes.

The task:

As a management consultant to the company write a report to the managing director of the Cavendish Laborotories, Ltd,highlighting the effect of potential changes in the environment that might affect this company. Your report should also comment on the “best” organisational structure to deal with a changing environment.Your report also needs to give advice on how to develop the company’s ability to communicate with its main stakeholders.Use your report to advise the company on the most appropriate model for planning and implementing change.

The report should include the following:

– A brief description of the major changes that face the company in the next five years.

- An evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of various organisational structures that the company could develop to help it become more flexible and responsive the expected changes.

- Advice on developing systems to involve appropriate stakeholders in the introduction of change.

- Analysis and evaluating of the change models available to the company.

- Advcice on developing and adapting these models for planning and implementing a “change programme” for the company.

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Other Management: Strengths-weaknesses of various organisational structure
Reference No:- TGS01239851

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