Assignment Task:
Choose and evaluate one methodological approach (historical, philosophical, behavioralism, or alternative) to studying international relations. What are its strengths in understanding contemporary global issues? How does it compare to other approaches? Support your argument with specific example.
Identify and discuss two key historical events that, in your view, have shaped international relations. Why do you consider these events significant? How do they inform your perspective on global politics today? Describe the Treaty of Westphalia and its significance in modern international relations. How might global politics be different without it? Provide examples to support your argument.
Evaluate the usefulness of each level of analysis (individual, state, system) in explaining world events. Which level do you think offers the best framework for understanding international relations? Support your analysis with real-world examples.
Finally, compare and contrast three IR theories (realism, liberalism, feminism, economic structuralism, or constructivism); highlight the key assumptions, main tenets, premise they share premises that these two ideologies share and the possible different conclusions, predictions of each perspective, how do they explain power and morality? Apply these theories to one current global issue, and argue which theory provides the most accurate explanation of the event and why. Which approach do you believe better captures IR, and why?
Select three theories from the "expansion pack" and analyze their key assumptions and arguments (located in e-book called International Relations Theory by S. McGlinchey - author discussed global justice theory ,green theory ,indigenous perspective theory ,queer theory, and many more). Compare how each theory addresses one pressing global issue, providing a specific example. Discuss how these theories relate to one another-do they extend, complicate, or contradict each other? Identify a common theme among the theories and describe any notable similarities or differences. Finally, argue whether these theories warrant greater attention in contemporary international relations studies and explain your reasoning. Why or why not? Looking for Assignment Help?
In your primary post, you need to provide evidence and examples from course material (per MLA format) to support your claim/argument, so cite and integrate sources to support your writing