
Strengths and weaknesses of the study

You will select two articles from a list, identify the components of a research project and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the articles.

• Select two studies from the list of articles provided in Doc Sharing. The articles are accessed through the Course Readings in the Library. Look for the Week 3 Articles tab.

• Choose one quantitative article and one qualitative article.

• Review each selected article based on what you have learned about study design, identifying information from each component of the study.

• Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each study.

• Based on your review, write a 5-6-page summary of the two articles using the NURS 4000 Week 3 Assignment Rubric.

• Identify each component of the research article as outlined in the rubric.

Explain why each is a strong or weak study based upon criteria for reliability and validity for quantitative studies. Use criteria for trustworthiness for qualitative studies.

Title of Paper:

Below is some information related to the article review (Week 3 Assignment). Be certain that your paper has all of the components of a paper written in APA format: title page, introduction, purpose statement, headings, summary and reference list.

Always add a title page. Your title can be anything that you feel is appropriate. Then, on page 2, write a brief introduction and purpose statement. Use Level 2 headings for each section of the research article. Remember to use in text citations just as you would for any other scholarly writing.

For this assignment, select two research studies from the list of articles provided in Doc Sharing. One of the studies selected needs to be a qualitative. Write a two to three-page summary of each of the articles (total of 5-6 pages), and after summarizing each, explain why you think each is a strong or weak study. Use the following guidelines and evaluation criteria to guide your paper. Use the headings below for each section. Include the reference for each of the articles.

Overview of Quantitative Article:

Research Question"

In this section of the paper, identify the research question and discuss briefly according to information found in Chapter 3 (Adams, 2012) of the Schmidt and Brown (2012) text book. Provide the name of the article with an in text citation so that the instructor knows which article is being reviewed. The in text citation for the article must be included in each section/paragraph below.

Study Design:

In this section identify whether the study is quantitative or qualitative. Then discuss the specific design. Information is found in Chapters 6, 7 and 8.

Sample Size and Representativeness:

Identify the size of the sample and whether is it representative of the population.

Results of Data Analysis:

Present the results of the data analysis and discuss the analysis procedures. Be specific about the procedures used and actual findings. Identify the statistical test used in the research study. List the statistical results of the test used in the research study. This will include all of the statistical results, not just the p value. Identify whether the results of the statistical analysis were significant. Include the p value for the tests that are statistically significant.

Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses:

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the study. Remember to use the textbook for supporting citation and reference when making this evaluation so that quantitative studies are evaluated for reliability and validity.

Overview of Qualitative Article:

Research Question:

In this section of the paper, identify the research question and discuss briefly according to information found in Chapter 3 of the Schmidt and Brown (2012) text book. Provide the name of the article with an in text citation so that the instructor knows which article is being reviewed. The in text citation for the article must be included in each section/paragraph below.

Study Design:

In this section identify whether the study is quantitative or qualitative. Then discuss the specific design. Information is found in Chapters 6, 7 and 8.

Sample Size and Representativeness:

Identify the size of the sample and whether is it representative of the population. Remember that the criteria for evaluating a qualitative sample are different from evaluating a quantitative sample.

Results of Data Analysis Procedures:

Present the results of the data analysis and the themes identified. Be certain to describe the data analysis procedures used.

Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses:

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the study. Remember to use the textbook for supporting citation and reference when making this evaluation. Qualitative studies are evaluated for trustworthiness (credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability).

Summary of the Main Points of the Paper:

Always summarize the main points of a paper. A brief summary of the articles reviewed is sufficient. On a separate page add the references which are the citations for each of the articles reviewed and any other sources that you used for the paper.


Adams, S. (2012). Identifying research questions. In N.A. Schmidt & J.M. Brown. (Eds.). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research. (2nd ed., pp. 66-87). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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