
Strengths and self-report physical health

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Research Project

Topic: The relationship between character strengths and self-report physical health among trauma-exposed college students.

Hypothesis: the hypothesis of this study is that there are positive relationships between character strengths and physical health among college students who have exposed to traumatic experiences.

This study is based on the VIA Classification and Peterson and Seligman's VIA Inventory of character strengths (VIA-IS-M), which gives the way to test the role of good character in relation to physical health. There are 24-character strengths describe in six degrees: wisdom (creativity, curiosity, judgment, love-of-learning, perspective), courage (bravery, honesty, perseverance, zest), humanity (kindness, love, social intelligence), justice (fairness, leadership, teamwork), temperance (forgiveness, humility, prudence, self-regulation), transcendence (appreciation of beauty, gratitude, hope, humor, spirituality).

Previous studies: There are many studies have addressed the relation of character strengths and human well-being. The strength of zest, hope, and gratitude have the significant correlation with life satisfaction (Brdar, I., Anic, P., & Rijavec, M. (2011)). The strength of hope, zest, and curiosity, gratitude play key roles in satisfaction with life (Buschor, C., Proyer, R. T., & Ruch, W. 2013). Personality characteristics such as hostility, neuroticism, and optimism can be risk factors for physical disease (Smith & Spiro, 2002). Personality traits such as positive traits have positive relationships with physical health (Pressman, S. D., & Cohen, S., 2005). Also, the study shows that PTSD related to health issues, and PTSD symptoms as the moderator of this relationship (Pacella, 2013). Therefore, it is reasonable to generate the hypothesis that there are positive relationships between character strengths and physical health among college students who have exposed to traumatic experiences.


You must use APA style and formatting! The paper must include title page, introduction which includes review of related literature along with the last paragraph that states the purpose of your study and identifies the hypotheses, a methods section that identifies the details of your study, a plan for your analysis (replaces the results section), and a reference section.

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Other Subject: Strengths and self-report physical health
Reference No:- TGS01941096

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