Select an organization to analyze. Ideally, the company you choose will be a familiar one and one to which you have easy access, such as your place of employment or a company close to where you live. You may use the same organization for other assessments in this course.
Complete the following:
• Use the Capella library and the Internet to locate three articles written in the last six months, or as current as possible, about the industry of your selected organization.
• Consider the following questions as you do your research:
o What new opportunities and threats, or strengths and weaknesses seem to be emerging in this industry?
o Do you feel that your selected organization is using effective strategies?
o What recommendations would you offer?
Write a 300 word document titled "Strategy Evaluation Report" in which you include the following:
o Summarize your organization's strategy and performance in the current year.
o Identify strategic information about your organization's competitors.
o Identify new opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses that seem to be emerging in the selected organization's industry.
o Interpret the effectiveness of your company's strategies.
o Recommend strategies based on strategy evaluation research.
Use APA-formatted in-text citations for information you take from the articles, and provide complete references for all articles.
Additional Requirements
• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• APA formatting: Ensure that resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
• Number of resources: Include a minimum of three current articles.
• Required length: The body of your document should be 300 words.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.