
Strategic planning-panacea or pariah

Summary - Strategic Planning: Panacea or Pariah?

This module is about management planning. Planning is an important function in any organization.

Very recently, eBay’s CEO announced that in spite of the corporate philosophy that eBay’s auction services and PayPal were complimentary businesses that belonged under the same corporate umbrella they would, in 2015, each be managed as separate firms, each with its own CEO. This announcement was made shortly after Apple announced its Apple Pay. Apple Pay is not leveraging any new technologies. It’s simply Apple getting into the banking business, in a manner of speaking. In this assignment, please consider Apple Pay, PayPal and Bitcoin as potential methods for “paying for stuff” online. Do some internet research to inform yourself of these three methods. Summarize your sources (briefly!), make as many connections as you can to the assigned Module chapters. Based on this research, identify three criteria that you can use to assess each of the three in relation to each other (e.g., reputation, etc.). Describe your findings. Then discuss the implications of this article for managing work. Bracket these sections with thoughtful introductory and concluding comments.

A separate reference page (in APA format) must accompany the paper.Be sure to cite references when used in the paper. Once source of APA is


1. Number and quality of linkages made between the article and the chapters (this is the most important!)

2. Title page is optional, but a name and title is mandatory

3. You must use APA style for citations and references

4. Quality of article selected (blogs or superficial articles will receive little credit)

5. Introduction and conclusion

6. Appropriate use of headings

7. Single-spaced paper, double-space between paragraphs (double-check your paragraph settings)

8. One-to-two page paper (more, with quality, equals higher grade)

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Other Management: Strategic planning-panacea or pariah
Reference No:- TGS01759594

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