
Strategic marketing-business futures

Employability Report:

Strategic Marketing: Business Futures Assessment Year 3

Student Guidelines

This work forms part of the assessment for a core module on your programme. It is worth 20% of the overall mark for the module and should be 800 words its purpose is to help you relate the academic content of the module to the workplace and prepare for the process of getting a job when you graduate.

The assessment is in the form of a learning log which is a diary for students to record the progress of their learning and integrate their experience and career aspirations with academic learning. In the log you will be able to draw on your own experience of recruitment and career planning activities as well as the material covered in the module. It provides a record of the way your thinking about your future employment prospects and the work you do on your course develops as you participate in the activities organised in the Business Futures weeks and other parts of your programme. As part of the log, you will be asked to reflect on your experiences and consider your own skills and attributes and how you can develop them to improve your chances of securing a graduate job when you graduate. You will also be able to draw on your experience of a work placement or part-time job and link your writing to the content of the module. You will find resources on the Business School Core page such as the Interview Simulator, CV builder, and skills analysis which you can use to help you. The log can cover: career planning, research on an organisation of your own choice and its recruitment practices, analysis of your own skills, labour market research, work experience, relevant professional qualifications, and the use of social media to get a job.

Making log Entries:

You will be required to make log entries during the year between 3rd November 2014 and 6th February 2015. You will need to attend at least 2 activities organised in each Futures week – 3rd-7th November, 12th-16th January, and write up your reflections on the experience. The word guidelines are approximate and you may go up to 10% above the number of words suggested.

Log Format

Part Log Entry

Learning Log Reflect on your own employability. What kind of career path do you wish to pursue and what do you need to do to improve your chances of attaining a graduate level job at the end of your degree? How can you relate the academic topics you cover in your module to your future employment? For example, what impact is the changing business environment having on determining the kind of attributes that companies will need in their graduate recruits? What is professionalism and what does it mean to be a professional?

Appendix 1 A social media plan to help you get a job. 100 to 150 words

Note: I will be uploading example of report and i will also upload the sessions presentations slides i have attended so to include some the things that i learned from them. As it needs to include all four session which are

1- Living with LinkedIn

2- CV Building and Social Media

3- CV Building and Using Agencies

4- Using Social Media For Job search ( show interest through blogs appeal to companies through social media interact and build your network with other people thourgh groups in linkedin and twitter.

Include courses i took like consumer behaviour and talk about how it gained me the book was Solomon, M., Bamossy, (2013) Consumer Behaviour, 5th ed. Pearson

Add any theories from it no need to reference.

Intended Learning Outcomes (consumer behaviour or use the below) reword it.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

1. describe the principal aspects of human psychology which influence consumer behaviour and decision making;

2. identify the main social, cultural, and environmental influences on buyer behaviour; and,

3. distinguish between consumer and organizational buyer behavior;

4. evaluate critically the range of marketing techniques which can be employed to influence consumers.

Other modules Retail marketing. By the end of the module, students should be able to:

1) Analyse the role of a range of retail marketing techniques;
2) Evaluate alternatives in relation to retail operations management;
3) Identify developments in retail management and appreciate the impact of these on retail operations.

And also include marketing planning

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

1. Identify and explore key elements of the marketing planning process within an organisation;

2. Differentiate between marketing strategy and tactical marketing planning;

3. Understand and use analytical marketing models to aid marketing decision making;

4. Formulate a basic marketing plan.

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Strategic Management: Strategic marketing-business futures
Reference No:- TGS01431032

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