Strategic market assesment outline


Detailed Report:

I) Inventor Interview and Information Forms

II) Technology Opportunity Regarding the Product and its Market(s)

III) Product/Service; Definition of Patentable Invention and Proposed Product/Service  Offering(s)

IV) Market and Segments for Commercialized Product/Service

A. Market Size
B. Market Growth
C. Market Segmentation
D. Market Expansion

V) Situational Analysis

A. SWOT Analysis: 1) Technology and Patent and 2) Product and Markets

B. Issue Analysis: Compounding Factors such as existing patents, current products, regulatory approval hurdles, costs to commercialize product/service, ease of customer adoption, etc.

VI) Competitive Analysis

A. Competitors: Technology and proposed Product/Service
B. Summary of Competitive Analysis

VII) External Market Influences

A. Economic/Market Environment: Customer purchasing habits, seasonal consumer issues, regulatory issues, etc.
B. Risks and Challenges: Domestic and International

VIII) Options for Technology Licensing/Commercialization

IX) Conclusions and Recommendations

X) Implementation Program: 24 Month Timeline for Technology Commercialization Including Critical  Next Steps Prepared in a Gant Chart Format

XI) Appendix

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Strategic Management: Strategic market assesment outline
Reference No:- TGS01438008

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