
Strategic managerial characteristic


Your reaction paper should be no less than three (3) full double-spaced page and no more than five (5) double-spaced pages in length, not including the cover page or the reference page. Times New Roman 12pt. font should be used with one-inch margins all around. The paper should exhibit critical thinking on the part of the student by comparing to new knowledge, theories, and/or concepts gained during the course (reading assignments).

Once you have completed the exercises or viewed the film, write a paper that discusses your reactions compared to the academic concepts you have gained from the reading assignments.

1) How did the exercises make you feel?

20 Was there anything with which you particularly agreed or disagreed and why?

3) What sparked a strong reaction in you and why?

4) Identify questions that sparked in your mind (minimum of four).

5) The paper should exhibit critical thinking on the part of the student about the exercises by comparing three (3) to five (5) concepts from the reading. This process displays your understanding and ability to critically analyze the situation. This is an important strategic managerial characteristic.

6) Must have an introduction (with a thesis), body, and conclusion.

7) Do NOT summarize the exercises.

Must include the printouts of your results or notes (based on the assignment) with the paper.

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Business Management: Strategic managerial characteristic
Reference No:- TGS01783499

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