
Strategic management sbs bba - how do companies

Question 1:
How do companies communicate value in business markets? What are the resources and processes a company must have in place to use the "resonating focus"? What challenges do you expect and how would you overcome them?

Question 2:
How do companies go about re-inventing their business models? Why is this necessary? What are the typical challenges faced by a company wishing to re-invent its business model? How would you overcome these challenges?

Question 3:
Explain the use of atleast two strategymatrix covered in the course. How would you adapt the matrix for use in 2-3 specific industries? What is the connection between the value matrix and competitive advantage?

Question 4:
Over the course of this unit, we have discussed the importance of mission and vision statements. Using your favorite search engine, research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies. Then,you will write an essay in which you compare and contrast the mission statements of two companies and the visionstatements of two companies. You may use the same companies for both the mission and vision comparisons or separatecompanies.

Within your essay, include the following:
- Explain the principle value of two vision statements.
- Explain the principle value of two mission statements.
- Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.
- Compare and contrast mission statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance.
- Do you think organizations that have comprehensive mission statements tend to be high performers?
- How do mission and vision statements assist in selecting an industry-specific strategy?
- Explain why a mission statement should not include monetary amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, goals, or objectives.

Your essay should be a minimum of three pages in length or approximately 750 words, not including the title andreference pages.

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Strategic Management: Strategic management sbs bba - how do companies
Reference No:- TGS02849980

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