
Strategic management of nextel


Analyze the following case based on information gleaned from below. Total case analysis should be two page maximum. Looking for a good person who can write a case study and have good knowledge in the field of strategic management.

Case Scenario:

On October 24, 2002, the headline to Nextel Communications, Inc.'s quarterly earnings release boasted: "Nextel Reports Record-Setting Third Quarter 2002 Results." In the release, the company highlighted a 26 percent increase in revenues and a 67 percent increase in domestic operating cash flow. Nextel also reported significant reduction of its debt burden over the period. This news represented significant results considering the current economic and industry troubles.

Nextel's stock on that day jumped over a dollar on the open, indicating the announcement was a positive surprise to investors. Over the course of the trading day, however, the stock faced downward pressure, ending below its preannouncement level. Obviously not everyone had the same faith in Nextel's business plan as did Paul Saleh.

The puzzle of Nextel's performance was partially wrapped up in the general uncertainty the entire wireless telecommunications industry was experiencing. The industry was maturing and appeared to be at a turning point. There were questions about how much competition the current players could withstand and about when, and if, the next generation of technology would deliver on future growth. Nextel and the industry were taking a good luck at this complex environment. To fully appreciate Nextel's present opportunities, it's unique niche, and the issues facing the company, the history of the entire industry and its current problems need to be understood.

Wireless telecommunications technology evolved rapidly from the first-generation analog cellular systems that were primarily used for voice service. Technological developments have improved the quality of service while decreasing costs of network deployment. Additionally, competition among service providers and device manufacturers has lowered prices and fueled a global demand for wireless services that has surpassed many analysts' expectations. As a result, the last decade saw demand for wireless telecommunication spread rapidly around the globe as services became more accessible to consumers.

A trend toward industry maturity is evident in a number of ways. With wireless phone penetration currently at approximately 50 percent, usage is approaching the saturation level. At saturation level, estimated to be between 60 and 70 percent, companies will have to battle over existing market share. Also, the industry is restructuring through consolidation and alliances to expand service territory, increase brand awareness, and share the cost of technology.

In November 2001, the FCC announced a plan to lessen the hypercompetitive environment for wireless operators. Historically, carriers had faced an FCC imposed spectrum cap in each market area: no organization was allowed to hold more than45 MHz or 55 MHz in metropolitan or rural areas, respectively.

In 1987, a visionary entrepreneur named Morgan O'Brien founded a company called Fleet Net. Renamed Nextel in 1993, the company rapidly established itself as a nationwide force in the burgeoning world of wireless communications.

In less than year's time, Nextel merged with Dial Call and OneComm, acquired all of Motorola's SMR licenses in the U.S., and received a $1 billion investment from wireless pioneer Craig McCaw. By mid-1995, Nextel was on point to serve all of the nation's top 50 markets.

Armed with nationwide spectrum and presence, Nextel was ready to dramatically demonstrate its genius for innovation. In September 1996, the company introduced Motorola's breakthrough iDEN technology. This marked the first combination of enhanced digital cellular, two-way radio and text/numeric paging in one phone - the famed Nextel phone. The national rollout of iDEN service began and the Nextel National Network was introduced in January 1997.

From that moment on, Nextel has aggressively expanded its reach and product capabilities. By the year 2000, the company had connected to countries around the world and introduced its always-connected wireless data solution. Soon to follow were its signature Nationwide Direct Connect walkie-talkie service, IP broadband access and a steady stream of feature-rich Internet-ready phones and smart devices.

With unwavering determination to be first, better and different, Nextel has written the book on market-defining innovation, building an intensely loyal customer base and leading the way with compelling offerings for both businesses and consumers.

Sprint Nextel: A legacy of innovation

We've combined two great traditions into a single company with an extraordinary record of achievement. With pride in our bold and entrepreneurial heritage, we'll continue to open new doors for our customers and our industry.

Sprint Founder
Cleyson Brown begins the Brown Telephone Co.
Nextel Founder
Morgan O'Brien launches Fleet Call.
World Class
Sprint - World's first Public Data Network is launched.
Coming of Age
Sprint - Decades of local expansion produce $1 billion revenue milestone.
Pin-Drop Quality
Sprint - Long-distance service begins and famous pin-drop commercials debut.
Industry First
Sprint - First nationwide, 100 percent digital, fiber-optic network is completed.
Across the Sea
Sprint - First transatlantic fiber-optic phone call connects.
Going Global
Sprint - International subsidiary forms to market global public data network services.
Internet Pioneer
Sprint - Makes history as first carrier to offer commercial Internet access.
Triple Play
Sprint - Becomes first major company to provide local, long distance and wireless services.
Radio Spectrum
Nextel - All of Motorola's SMR radio licenses in the U.S. are acquired.
Nationwide Coverage
Nextel - Assets now serve each of the top 50 U.S. markets.
Smart Investor
Nextel - Wireless pioneer Craig McCaw and his family agree to invest $1.1 billion.
PCS Leader
Sprint - First nationwide 100-percent digital PCS wireless network is completed.
All in One
Nextel - Becomes first to combine digital cellular, two-way radio and text-numeric paging in one phone (using Motorola's iDEN technology).
Revolutionary Rollout
Nextel - iDEN service goes national.
Fast Fiber
Nextel - A 15,000-mile fiber network connects almost every city in the U.S. and Canada.
Worldwide Service
Nextel WorldwideTM service becomes the largest all-digital wireless coverage in the U.S. and more than 70 countries.
Top 100 Markets
Nextel, with Nextel Partners, Inc., serves top 100 U.S. metropolitan statistical areas.
Signature Service
Nextel - Nationwide Direct ConnectSM walkie-talkie service becomes the talk of the industry.
Java Time
Nextel - Becomes the first to introduce a wireless JavaTM phone in North America (with Motorola).
Blazing Speed
Sprint - Global IP network features first 10 gigabit per second transatlantic IP backbone.
Ahead of its time
Sprint - PCS Vision launches a new era in wireless.
Nationwide First
Sprint - Becomes the first wireless carrier to complete a nationwide Third Generation (3G) 1X network upgrade.
Sophisticated Device
Nextel Direct Connect walkie-talkie service comes to the Blackberry for the first time.
In Motion
Nextel - Becomes the first carrier to provide access to live streaming video.
Fast Finder
Nextel - Global Positioning System (GPS)-enabled phone (with Motorola) is an industry first.
Ahead of the Game
Sprint - Becomes the first major U.S. provider to begin conversion of local circuit-switched network to a next-generation packet network.
Cable Telephony
Sprint - Voice phone service in partnership with cable companies is initiated.
Fast Track
Nextel - A 10-year partnership begins with NASCAR, America's No. 1 spectator sport.
Double Coverage
Nextel Wireless BroadbandSM launches and coverage area doubles in less than year.
Fast Data
Sprint - Unveils plans to deploy high-speed EV-DO (Evolution-Data Optimized) technology across the PCS network.
Blockbuster Merger
Sprint Nextel merger is announced.
Done Deal
Sprint Nextel launches operations.

As Nextel enter the second half of the 1990s, the company was poised for significant growth. The company's management team was now led by president Timothy Donahue, formerly of AT&T Wireless Communications, and chairman and CEO Daniel F. Akerson, formerly of MCI.

Nextel's partnership with Motorola remains central to the company's success. Motorola's all-digital iDEN technology is highly compatible with Nextel's four services. Futhermore, in 2001, Nextel partnered with Motorola to launch the first JavaScript technology useable through a wireless phone. This technology allows business professionals to customize their phones with the latest office tools and network applications.

Currently, Nextel is dependent on Motorola for the entirely of its technology from network equipment to handsets. The move toward 3G will allow the company to work with more infrastructure partners, providing the company with better leverage with suppliers. Looking further into the future, Nextel has approached manufacturers like Flarion about a 4G technology. Depending on the evolution of the industry, Nextel might even choose to leapfrog 3G and move directly to4G technology.

Nextel's primary focus is on attracting professional users. The company prides itself on serving over 80 percent of America's Fortune 500 companies, as well as several government organizations. Indeed, 90 percent of Nextel customers are business users, and Nextel focuses its communication on demonstrating that its products and services provide a high return on investment to its users. It also advertises its partnerships with other technology leaders like Microsoft and IBM, promoting itself as state-of-the-art solution provider for communications issues.

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Strategic Management: Strategic management of nextel
Reference No:- TGS02007860

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